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Basic Manager for the New Evo Anima (OpenCore) and thus the new Polaris EVO Light Saber from Lama di Luce.

New Version of Gilthoniel, for firmware 2.0.2 or newer

See Download Page

Windows 10 (and MAC-OS) should automatically install/use the correct drivers for the saber, earlier versions of windows may need a CDC Serial Driver


SINCE 03-Nov-2020 16:30GMT
Gilthoniel, Saber Manager

Gilthoniel (Sindarin: Starkindler)
Gilthoniel is a basic saber manager program for the Polaris Evo Light Saber, by Lama di Luce.

Other manager programs are under development/available.

Gilthoniel is now public open-source and availale on GitHub. Any feedback can be added in GitHub's discussions board and issues tracker for the project.

Gilthoniel requires a version of the firmware greater than 1.9.14, very early versions of Anima Evo sabers shipped without any PC-communication, update your firmware to use any saber manager program. (See the updater opposite)

NOTE! The automatic nature of the flasher program detects any compatible arduino board, which may also exist in other hardware. In particular it has been reported that the "Oculus Rift S" may be detected and it's firmware overwritten by the flasher rendering it inoperable. Be advised to unplug other USB devices when using the flasher. -- This is not a risk when just using the standard colour setting functions in Gilthoniel.

  • This Manager program only works with the Anima-Evo
  • Guard, Swing & Clash Colour Management. (Win/MAC OS)
  • 8 Banks, select active bank. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Sound List Management (firmware v2.0.2+)
  • Colour values 0-100% with colour correction for hardware resistor values
  • Advanced modes to change back to 0-255 settings without colour correction
  • Preview any Colour mix on Saber. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Reset All Saber Colours to default. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Read Saber Serial no. & Firmware Version. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Save/Load Bank colours to file. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Save/Load All settings from saber. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Copy Saber Serial no. or Firmware build no. to clipboard
  • Copy/Paste Current Colour setting
  • Monitor/Debug Comunication with Saber. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Send manual Commands to Saber. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Update App direct from internet. (Win/MAC OS)
  • Update Saber with latest firmware direct from internet. (Windows only) **
  • Load HEX file to update firmware. (Windows only) **
  • This Application does not Upload Sounds to the Saber (use the Toolkit opposite) Feature coming shortly.
  • Windows 7,8,10 (32 or 64 bit), MAC-OS
  • Written in Lazarus and Free Pascal.
  • A vailable as Open Source

** Use of firmware flashing/updating features is entirely at your own risk.

Firmware Updater
Stand-alone updater for the saber firmware.

NOTE! The automatic nature of the flasher program detects any compatible arduino board, which may also exist in other hardware. In particular it has been reported that the "Oculus Rift S" may be detected and it's firmware overwritten by the flasher rendering it inoperable. Be advised to unplug other USB devices when using the flasher.

Use of the firmware flash/updater is entirely at your own risk.

Polaris EVO User Guide for details.

Windows - Connect your saber, and then run the downloaded executable file.
MAC OS - Connect your saber, Open the DMG, and then run the 'upload-macos.command' inside the DMG folder (you do not need to extract/copy the files).

Sound Upload Toolkit
The "Sound Upload Toolkit" provides command line utilties to convert sounds ready to upload to an Evo-Anima Saber, and utilities to transfer these sound files to the saber.

Send-to-Saber and the Open-SaberSound-Toolkit are now public open-source and availale on GitHub. Any feedback can be added in GitHub's discussions board and issues tracker for the project.

Download the Self-Extracing executable (or 7zip Archive), save it to your documents folder (or file location of your choice) and run it (or unzip it) -- then see the instructions.

  • Command Line Based Tools & Batch commands
  • Erase all sounds on the saber
  • Batch upload a complete sound font
  • Manage active sound lists, upload sound files with any filename
  • Based on the SendToSaber command to communicate with the Open-Core Saber.
  • Includes SOX audio toolkit to convert sound files.
    SOX Sound Exchange (Sourceforge)
  • Includes several free-open source "Creative Common" example sound fonts to convert and upload.
  • Windows 7,8,10 (Win32/Win64) and Mac-OS
  • see file enclosed within the archive for full instructions.

The release 8 toolkit (for firmware before v2) does not include sound list management, as the firmware requires all sounds to have exact filenames.